two-unit web offset press - translation to ρωσικά
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two-unit web offset press - translation to ρωσικά

Offset lithography; Offset press; Web printing; Sheet-fed printing; Sheet fed printing; Offset Printing plates; Polyester masters; Fount solutions; Cold press offset; Web press; Offset printing film; Offset plate; Offset Plates; Common impression cylinder; Quality Control For Offset Lithography; Photo-offset; Lithoprint; Web offset printing; Offset typography; Offset litho; Web-fed printing; Web printing press; Ira Rubel; Perfecting press; History of offset printing; User:Anemonemma/sandbox; Offset printer; Offset print
  • ''Roland Favorit RF01'' sheet-fed offset press
  • [[CMYK]] colors of offset printing on a paper
  • [[CMYK]] four colors offset on fabric offset printing
  • Web-fed offset lithographic press at speed
  • Negative lithographic printing plate
  •  isbn = 3-540-67326-1}}</ref>
  • Ryobi 4 color offset press

two-unit web offset press      
двухсекционная рулонная офсетная печатная машина
offset press         

общая лексика

офсетная печатная машина

common impression cylinder         
общий печатный цилиндр (для нескольких формных цилиндров) планетарной конструкции печатной машины


(YMCA-PRESS) , издательство русской книги, основано в 1921 в Праге, существовало в Берлине (1923), Париже (1925-40, с 1944). Среди изданий - работы русских философов, произведения М. А. Булгакова, А. П. Платонова, М. И. Цветаевой, А. И. Солженицына, мемуары Н. Я. Мандельштам, Л. К. Чуковской, репринтные издания.


Offset printing

Offset printing is a common printing technique in which the inked image is transferred (or "offset") from a plate to a rubber blanket and then to the printing surface. When used in combination with the lithographic process, which is based on the repulsion of oil and water, the offset technique employs a flat (planographic) image carrier. Ink rollers transfer ink to the image areas of the image carrier, while a water roller applies a water-based film to the non-image areas.

The modern "web" process feeds a large reel of paper through a large press machine in several parts, typically for several meters, which then prints continuously as the paper is fed through.

Development of the offset press came in two versions: in 1875 by Robert Barclay of England for printing on tin and in 1904 by Ira Washington Rubel of the United States for printing on paper. Rubel's contemporary in Europe was Kašpar Hermann (also Kaspar), the author of the offset machine prototype (1904), holder of a patent for an offset disc machine (two rubber transfer rollers facing each other) – rolling-press. In 1907, he successfully started printing in Germany on his Triumph sheetfed offset press.

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